Looking for a church home?

Think about hanging out with us for a while! We’re passionate, quirky, and super inclusive. Really, we are – it’s not just a tagline here.

Struggling with addiction? We’ve got a seat saved just for you. Frustrated by your racist/transphobic/homophobic family? We hear you, and celebrate your full humanity. Wondering how to make a difference in the world, or looking for some companions on the journey? We’re all about living out our faith in action! Check out some of these ways to get involved…

If you’re looking to join us for Sunday worship – here’s how to do that!

On the first and third Sundays of the month, we offer a hybrid worship service, with an on-site service that is also streamed live on Zoom. Our onsite service is held at First Church of the Brethren, 425 S. Central Park Avenue, Chicago, IL 60624.

Click HERE to join our live streamed Zoom service!

On the second, fourth, and occasional fifth Sundays of the month, our service is ONLY on Zoom. That same Zoom link – found HERE – will bring you into the Zoom Sanctuary at 10:30am.

Join us on Sundays!
Working for Peace with Justice
Sometimes, you just wanna have fun

Event Listing

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Book Club

To join the Zoom meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Third Saturdays, click here.


Coffee Talk

Grab your favorite beverage & join us in a circle of community! Contact Dave by email here if you'd like to know more! To join click here.


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