Sanctuary Working Group


The Sanctuary Working Group, a solidarity organization, supports and accompanies vulnerable migrants in their journey towards sustainable independence. 


The SWG is committed to work and relationships that

1.      Respect:  Fosters safe space for ALL and respects the autonomy of people; 
2.      Compassion:  Demonstrates compassionate hospitality;  
3.      Collaboration:  Prioritizes collaboration among our partner organizations and those we accompany;  
4.      Trust:  Embodies and builds trust through group-oriented decision making and mutual responsibility and accountability;  
5.      Inclusivity:  Seeks the inclusion of Chicago’s immigrant and other under-resourced communities in decision-making roles and values and respects the diversity of Chicago’s immigrant communities regardless of any perceived differences. 

Don’t miss out on the event of the season! We’ve got all the information you need to secure your spot right here.

How Do I Buy a Ticket?

-click the link below to Give Online” and specify that your donation will be going to “October 18th Fundraiser” then enter either $50 (one regular ticket) or $15 (low-income / student ticket) as the amount. You can, of course, input an amount for multiple tickets, as long as you specify the number of people you are paying for on our Registration Form. Please also fill out the Registration Form even if you only buy one ticket!

-you can pay via check if you prefer, but if that is your payment method, you will need to get in touch with Peggy Burke ( to coordinate check delivery/pickup

-if you like to gamble, or if you have a last-minute addition to your party, you can buy tickets at the door on the night of the event. However, if we sell out tickets before the event, you may not be able to get in (due to our venue’s capacity) so we highly encourage you to pre-register and buy your tickets ahead of time!

What does a ticket to the SWG Fall Harvest Fundraiser include?

-we are excited to be able to offer a multi-cultural meal to share with all ticket holders to express our gratitude and share space at the table with those who make this work possible.

-we have been working on special programming that will hopefully include performances by some of our talented community members and amazing participants in our program to help celebrate our time together.

-the knowledge that you are providing invaluable support for vulnerable migrants trying to survive through some of the toughest times in their lives. We will use the proceeds of this fundraiser to bolster our emergency fund, which has been dangerously low as of late.

How do I get to the event? Will there be parking?

-Old St Patrick’s Church is located at 700 W Adams St and is easily accessible by CTA, just 3 blocks away from Union Station, and has space for locking your bike if need be.

-If arriving by car, there will be free parking available in the lot right across the street from the church. The parking lot has a sign that says “PARK 1” and has signs asking for payment. However, if you park in the lot for our event, you will not need to pay.

It says the event is at a church, but I’m not religious / not Christian / not Catholic – will this event be a faith-based fundraiser? Do I need to dress up?

We welcome any and all people, regardless of faith, to come share an evening with us! This event is not religious, although many people of faith will be in attendance. Come as you are — If you want to dress to the nines, go for it! If you feel most comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt, no need to change on our account! Just look to the top of this page to see our core values (Respect, Compassion, Collaboration, Trust, and Inclusivity) — we would not and will never exclude someone because of their relationship to religion, or their wardrobe.

More questions? Please contact Peggy Burke at

What is the Sanctuary Working Group?

About Us:
Since March of 2020, the Sanctuary Working Group (SWG), now a program of Wellington United Church of Christ (WUCC), has offered accompaniment support to over 600 migrants—both families & individuals—from primarily Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean, and Central-East Asia. 

The Sanctuary Working Group is a cooperative, grassroots network of representatives from 40 faith communities and non-profit organizations. The Sanctuary Working Group, a solidarity organization, support and accompanies vulnerable migrants in their journeys towards sustainable independence.  

As our work continues to grow at an explosive rate, we seek to widen our support of migrants, including asylum seekers, as they establish themselves and begin to form stable lives here in Chicago.

How to Give:

You can also mail a check to:
Wellington UCC, P.O. Box 804687, Chicago, IL 60680-4108
Please note: SWG – EF on the memo line.

Please give generously to support our work. 100% of all gifts go directly to recently arrived migrants. You can give online here—just be sure to click on the “TO” and choose either General Fund or Rent Fund from the dropdown menu. If you are able to cover the bank processing fees, please click the box in the bottom left-hand corner that says “Cover fees.” Feel free to share this request with anyone you know who expresses concern for the arriving migrants in Chicago!

Learn More:

Visit the following links to learn more about what we do and how you can help:
SWG Brochure
How Landlords Benefit From Working with SWG
Migrant Resources Glossary
SWG At A Glance

Photo Gallery

August 1, 2023 SWG Moving Team

May 3, 2023 Widening the Circle Breakfast in Support of Migrant Sponsors