The Secure the Border Act of 2023 (H.R. 2) is a sweeping immigration bill that would fundamentally weaken our nation’s decades-long commitment to humanitarian protection if enacted…
This month, the Book Club is reading & discussing The Great Believers by Rebecca Makkai. Join us on Zoom at 10:00 am on Saturday, May 20th for a lively conversation!
Music 4 the Soul! curated by Music Director, Chris Inserra
Come celebrate the in-person/hybrid worship service in the
Nambu Chapel of North Shore Baptist Church!
Last week Meg Evans represented Wellington UCC at the #ILBudgetRally in Springfield, IL…
Our April Helping Hands offering goes to support Basmeh-Zeitooneh, in their Turkey-Syria disaster response…
This Thursday, April 20, we are joining the community of Chicago Torture Justice Memorials for a virtual letter-writing event to free Michael Johnson so he can finally be reunited with his family!
On Sunday, April 30th – weather permitting – we plan to hold a special hybrid worship service for a Fifth Sunday celebration!
THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to our lovely Easter service last week!
The work of many hands – and many hearts – created a joyous day of celebration for us all. Alleluia!
This month, the Book Club is reading & discussing Women Talking by Miriam Toews. Join us on Zoom at 10:00 am on Saturday, April 15th for a lively conversation!
THIS SUNDAY ~ April 9th ~ is Easter Sunday! Come join our in-person/hybrid worship service in the Nambu Chapel of North Shore Baptist Church; Our Journey through Holy Week and more…
THIS SUNDAY ~ April 2nd ~ is Palm Sunday!
NEXT SUNDAY, April 2nd, is Palm Sunday and it is our monthly in-person/hybrid worship service! We’re at North Shore Baptist Church, 5244 N Lakewood Ave…
This month, the Book Club is reading & discussing “The Night Watchman” by Louise Erdrich… Wellington is now actively collecting Books For Africa for a mid April delivery…
As we move from Black History Month into the season of Lent, here are some more resources to inspire us in our work to overcome the legacy of racism in our country…