Wellington’s Weekly News 1/6/24

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Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life & the wider world.

If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, please let the office know! 
Reach out to office@waucc.org or 773-935-0642 (text or call).

Start the New Year off right!
Whether you’re with us in person at Nambu Chapel (need directions? click here!) or Zooming in from home, we hope to see you in worship on Sunday!

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458.


The Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting
will be HYBRID this year, following the worship service at Nambu Chapel on
January 21, 2024

All are welcome.

Photo by Jan Romero on Unsplash

Until there is a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, we must keep up the pressure on our elected officials.

Call today, please.

Click here for easy step-by-step instructions.

image by @Ernestoyerena

A lively group of Wellingtonians stormed the Museum of Contemporary Art on Tuesday – and had a great time! 

For Black History Month, we’re planning a special Soul Food Fellowship Hour & another museum outing. Stay tuned for details!

On Friday, January 5th, the new Sanctuary Working Group staff moved into their new offices at North Shore Baptist Church! We had a great day of orientation together, and they have hit the ground running.

New staff are in the front row (L to R): Ngozi Aleke, Legal Services Coordinator; Charlotte Long, Housing Specialist; Belack Bobit, Case Manager; and Nahomi Esquivel, Program Coordinator.

Thanks to the SWG Coordinating Team & special volunteers who made this day happen! (L to R): Fasika Alem, United African Organization; Lina Perez, Children’s Legal Center; Chris Inserra, organizer extraordinaire; Joey Sylvester, #1 volunteer; Jacob Dzwonar, RefugeeOne, Sandra Castillo, Episcopal Diocese Sanctuary Task Force; Dan Diaz, RefugeeOne; Michael Gosch, Viator House of Hospitality, and Rev. Ann-Louise Haak, Wellington!

Dick Simpson and the Wellington Book Club invite you to the launch of Dick’s new book: 

Chicago’s Modern Mayors: From Harold Washington to Lori Lightfoot

THIS TUESDAY, January 9 from 6-7:30 p.m.
at the Harold Washington Library auditorium.

It will be available on YouTube for those who can’t attend in person.

The Book Club meets next on Saturday, January 20th at 10am to discuss Swing Time, which has brilliant things to say about race, class, and gender, but its most poignant comment is perhaps this. Given who we are, who we are told that we are not, and who we imagine we might become, how do we find our way home? Granger’s romanticization of village life, undoubtedly naive, rests on a correct understanding: that belonging has a value all its own.” — The Guardian

Ann-Louise’s year of hosting the Last Supper* Club has drawn to a close – but we’re keeping the tradition alive!

The Congregational Life Committee is recruiting volunteers to host one Last Supper* Club this year – and Ann-Louise will host an “orientation dinner” for new hosts on January 31st! 

*of the month

Music 4 the Soul!

As we begin 2024 longing for peace in the world,

please enjoy this video link recording of

Dona Nobis Pacem

from Portland State University’s College of the Arts

curated by our Music Director, Chris Inserra

Dona Nobis Pacem 
featuring Madisen Hallberg & Emmanuel Henreid

Sometimes you just need a document!

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