Wellington’s Weekly News 11/18/23

Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life & the wider world.

If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, please let the office know! Reach out to office@waucc.org or 773-935-0642 (text or call).


This Sunday, November 19th, is our second
hybrid service of the month.

Hope to see you in person at Nambu Chapel
(lower level of North Shore Baptist Church,
5244 N. Lakewood Ave.) or on Zoom. 
During Advent, we’ll be hybrid on 
December 3 & 17, and Zoom only on December 10, 24 & 31

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458.

Plan to stay after service this Sunday to start work on your Life Book, coordinated by our Aging with Grace program. Chaplain Dave Safeblade will be on hand to answer questions as you pick out a binder & start filling it with important stuff! 

Pre-ordered tickets for this Sunday’s performance of Lifespan of a Fact, including fees, come to $61.95. If you haven’t paid for your ticket yet, please bring a check to church or use the link below to pay online. 

We share the sad news that Joyce Overton, former Wellington member & church secretary, passed away earlier this week from Parkinson’s.

We extend our love and prayers to Joyce’s husband, Randy Madonna. If you would like to send him a note, his address is:

9113 Orlando Place NE
Albuquerque NM 87111

TAMMY UPDATE – 11/18/23

As many of you know, our beloved Tammy had spinal fusion surgery on October 30th. Her initial surgery & recovery period at Weiss Hospital went very well!

On Thursday, November 9th she was transferred to a (so-called) skilled nursing facility for rehab, where her progress significantly regressed.

On Friday, November 17th a blood clot was found in Tammy’s lungs, which impaired both her breathing and heart function. She spent several hours in the ER, with Pastor Ann-Louise by her side, and has been admitted to the CCU at St. Francis for further monitoring. 

Alas, Tammy also tested positive for COVID while in the ER, so she’s not allowed any visitors at the moment. She does have her cell phone with her, so feel free to call with well wishes. And keep those prayers flowing her way!

Upcoming Events

Join the Book Club

TODAY at 10am

as Dick Simpson facilitates

the discussion of this fascinating

new biography of the

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Add an extra dose of thanks to your Thanksgiving by popping in to Coffee Talk Wednesday morning! 

The Stewardship Committee looks forward to receiving your pledge for 2024 by Sunday, December 3rd! 

You can return it by mail to the Church Office,
or bring it with you to church on 11/19 or 12/3!

The committee would also like to remind you that If you are 70 1/2 or older and have a traditional IRA, you can give up to $100,000 per year tax free to charitable organizations. This is known as as the IRA Charitable Rollover – or as the Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) on your tax return.  A married couple can each give up $100,000 from their respective IRAs each year.  The gift can satisfy all or part of your annual Required Minimum Distribution (or RMDs).  The transfer to charity does not qualify for an income tax deduction but instead it escapes the income tax that you would otherwise have owed on your RMD.  This avoidance of income tax is as helpful as a deduction especially if you do not itemize your deductions.

You are encouraged to consider an IRA Charitable Rollover to Wellington United Church of Christ. You can make a gift to the operating budget, fulfill your pledge, or give to any special fund
(like Outreach or the Endowment, for example) that you designate.

To make an IRA Charitable Rollover please contact your IRA administrator to request the appropriate form.

Your generosity will make a difference.

There are TWO SEATS left at the Penultimate Last Supper Club of the year. Claim yours now!

You get to feast on delectable community connection while
Pastor Ann-Louise prepares a delicious meal.

What are you waiting for?!?

Music 4 the Soul

for the November 19, 2023 service

with our ever deepening need to pray & act for peace, 

please enjoy these 2 video links

curated by our Music Director, Chris Inserra.

Peace, Salaam, Shalom
by Pat Humphries of Emma’s Revolution
with Peace Through All People 

We Shall Overcome
from Pete Seeger’s 90th Birthday Celebration

Sometimes you just need a document!

Click below if you’re looking for:

Copyright © 2023 Wellington UCC, All rights reserved.


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