Wellington’s Weekly News 1/27/24

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Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life & the wider world.

If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, please let the office know!  Reach out to office@waucc.org or 773-935-0642 (text or call).

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458.


Life-long Wellington member
Charlotte Craig
passed away on Monday, January 22nd
after a brief hospitalization.

Dave Safeblade and Pastor Ann-Louise are handling her arrangements. A celebration of her life will be held in the near future. Stay tuned for details!

TAMMY UPDATE – 1/27/24

This is the last formal call for donations
to help cover Tammy’s rent during her extended convalescence following surgery. Thank you to everyone who has already given!

 Click here to make a gift to the Benevolence Fund,
or send a check to the office with a note in the memo line.

Tammy loves getting mail, so feel free to send her a note:

Tammy Snider, Room 206-2
c/o The Citadel 
9615 Knox Avenue
Skokie, IL 60076


Dave Safeblade would love to see you at Coffee Talk! Pop in to share some news, ask for prayers, or just visit with friends!

Want to host a Last Supper in 2024? 

Please let Claudette know – she still has a few spots to fill! Just tell her how many guests you can host, and she’ll give you a date.

New Hosts are also invited to the “orientation dinner” at Ann-Louise’s home on Wednesday, January 31st
at 6pm!

Plan to stay after church on February 4th for a special Fellowship Hour!

We’ve invited the members of North Shore Baptist Church to join us at a brief teach-in about Bring Chicago Home. Organizers from ONE Northside will answer any questions you have about this initiative, and share how we can help pass this life-changing referendum at the ballot box on March 19th.

Remember – this proposed change to the Real Estate Transfer Tax, which is paid only when a building is sold, will only impact around 4% of sales across the city. This small change will create an annual revenue stream of $100 million dollars to address & combat homelessness in Chicago.

Click here for a sneak peek on ways you can help pass this initiative!

The International Court of Justice has ruled…

over 25,000 Gazans have been killed…

and we still don’t have a ceasefire.

for a PERMANENT Cease Fire TODAY!

Music 4 the Soul

For two years, Wellington has paid Negro Spiritual Reparations

to the Greater South Side Site of

The People’s Music School whenever we sing a Spiritual in worship.

You will hear more in the weeks ahead about Wellington’s
relationship with The People’s Music School.

In the meantime, clink on the link below,

for some background on the roots of Spirituals.

At the Washington National Cathedral, Howard University and Wesley Theological Seminary hosted a concert that featured spirituals, the great Christian music of African slaves in the United States. Rev. Kelly Brown Douglas, the cathedral’s canon theologian, talks about the history of spirituals and their ever-relevant message of faith and freedom.

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