Wellington’s Weekly News 2/24/24

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Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life & the wider world.

If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, please let the office know! 
Reach out to office@waucc.org or 773-935-0642 (text or call).

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458.

Wendell Slade, pictured here at the church retreat last fall, continues to recover from his quadruple bypass surgery in January. 

For the next stage of his recovery, he will be staying with his daughter, Shanta Slade-Inabnitt, in Indiana. Send cards & well-wishes to:

490 W. Hinshaw Drive
Nineveh, IN 46164

Plan to stay after church next week

as we Celebrate the Life of

Charlotte Craig (1940 – 2024)

with a service at noon. 

If you can bring cheese & crackers, fresh fruit, or some cookies for a simple reception, please let Margaret England know!


Don’t cave to voter suppression tactics – keep spreading the word that people need toVOTE YES on Ballot Question #1.

Remember – this proposed change to the Real Estate Transfer Tax, which is paid only when a building is sold, will only impact around 4% of sales across the city. This small change will create an annual revenue stream of $100 million dollars to address & combat homelessness in Chicago.

Also – if you missed Dick Simpson’s excellent op-ed in the Sun-Times this week – check it out here!

(Photo by Zoe VandeWater on Unsplash)

This month, our Helping Hands offering is being pooled to buy grocery store gift cards for recently arrived migrants & asylum seekers. 

The Outreach Committee is planning to match donations from the congregation, so please be generous!

We’ll pass cards out to anyone who wants to help distribute them
at a worship service in March.

Together, we can do more than we can accomplish alone.

I was ashamed on Tuesday

when the U.S. cast the sole vote
against a United Nations Security Council resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire in the Gaza Strip. 

Beloveds – is this who we are?

for a PERMANENT Cease Fire TODAY!

Dave Safeblade would love to see you at Coffee Talk! Pop in to share some news, ask for prayers, or just visit with friends!

Our Lenten theme this year is
Challenging Conversations with Compassion

We will be reflecting on ways to speak from our heart and remain our best selves while engaging with those who have different opinions from us on things we hold dear.

This Wednesday – February 28  – you are invited to deeper engagement and practice.

6:30pm in the Nambu Chapel – simple soup supper
7-8pm – guided conversation in a hybrid format.

Join us in person or in the Zoom Sanctuary!

Get busy reading!

The next Book Club selection is There There by Tommy Orange.
Dick Simpson will lead the discussion on
Saturday, March 16th at 10am.

Music 4 the Soul

Calling for a Ceasefire Now in Gaza

Watch the poignant and overwhelming change in this music video

The 1st link is the original music video from 5 years ago

in English & Arabic from a Bethlehem rooftop

Little Drummer Boy – Voices from Bethlehem

The 2nd link is an updated version from Dec 24, 2023

with the same musical rendition but with new images from Gaza.

We Scream for JUSTICE! Song: Little Drummer Boy – Voices from Bethlehem

O God, have mercy on our warring madness
shake us, wake us into a new way of living in
peace, salaam, shalom, paz.

Sometimes you just need a document!

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