Monday Musings 5/30/22

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Hey, friends!

Somewhere in the hustle & bustle of Lent and Eastertide, my Monday musings fell by the wayside. 

Pentecost is arriving soon – on Sunday! June 5th! with an in-person/hybrid service at the Centro Romero Youth Gallery! – which means that Ordinary Time is just around the corner. (Yes, that is an official season of the church liturgical year.)  Since Monday musings are definitely of the ordinary variety, it seems like a good moment to return to this practice.

I hope that the sun is shining as brightly on you today as it is up here in my corner of Chicago – and that you get a chance to enjoy it in whatever way you desire! I will be spending some time working in our jungle garden, coaching one of my sons on (better) financial planning, and heading over to a friends’ house for dinner this evening. All in all, it looks to be a very good day, despite all that’s wrong with our world. For this moment of respite, I give thanks!

I give thanks for you, too.



p.s. As always, thanks to Mark Birge-Anderson for the beautiful image up top!

Did someone leak a copy of yesterday’s service to the NRA gathering in Houston?!? If you haven’t seen this video yet – which has gone viral on Instagram & Twitter – be sure to turn your sound on & watch it all the way through to the end. 

With apologies to everyone who loves Emily Dickinson’s poem on hope (especially you, Elaine!), I offer up a revised version that is perhaps more appropriate for our time:

Hope Is Not a Bird, Emily, It’s a Sewer Rat 

(click on the title to read the full poem online)

No matter how you mark Memorial Day, take a moment to educate yourself about some of the hidden history related to this day.

Tip o’ the hat to Justin Casey on Unsplash for this photo!

P.S. Don’t forget that our Beach Clean-Up day is on Saturday! Meet up on Morse Avenue in Rogers Park, right where it dead-ends at the lake. The event is from 9-11am, with a picnic afterwards, coordinated by Congregational Life. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can do so here

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