Wellington Weekly News 7/13/22

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Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life
& the wider world.

If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, let Jeffery know! 
You can reach him at: office@waucc.org or 773-935-0642 (text or call).


Weekly WILD update

Week 1 is in the books – and the team is rolling through Week 2!

Debbie Southorn reports that the coordinating interns are doing a great job leading the program – and that it’s been more energizing than exhausting thus far.  

Please join us for their graduation ceremony at
6pm on Thursday, July 28th 

at Grace Place ~ 637 S. Dearborn, Chicago, IL 
You can RSVP here!

One of the programs the interns will be involved with is the Final Five campaign – working to shut down the five remaining youth prisons in Illinois.

Interested in the Cliff Notes version of WILD? Click here!

Have questions about the program? Feel free to reach out to someone on the WILD Wellington Working Group – Jim MorrisKaren GrahamKryss Chupp, or Shelby Hatch.

Coming Soon!

What’s Up?
Congregational Life 

Thursday, July 21st from 6:30-9pm
Jeff Tweedy and the Students of The People’s Music School Live in Concert at Pritzker Pavilion

Pack a picnic & come join folks from Wellington at a lovely summer outing! Chris will arrive early to save space for Wellington people.

The People’s Music School is our partner organization for paying reparations for Negro spirituals, so this is a great opportunity to hear their students open for Jeff Tweedy & play alongside him.

Interested? Let Chris or Brenda or Donna know!

At the June Congregational Meeting, we voted to focus this next year on finding a more permanent home for Wellington.

That raises lots of questions like – 
What kind of worship schedule do we envision in our future?
Do we ever see ourselves returning to weekly
in person/hybrid services?

Are we interested in a shared space?
If so, how often would we want to use it/have access to it? 

The Worship Committee invites anyone interested in discussing these questions to join us at our next meeting ~
6pm on Monday, August 1st!
We’d love to include as many voices as possible in the conversation, so please come if you can!
Join by Zoom or in person.  

Sometimes you just need a document! Click below if you’re looking for:

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