Wellington Weekly News 7/27/22

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Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life
& the wider world.

If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, let Jeffery know! 
You can reach him at: office@waucc.org or 773-935-0642 (text or call).

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458. You can also program your phone for one tap dialing with the following info: +13126266799,, 91732186458#
Click on the number to call, and it should automatically connect you to the meeting.

On Tuesday, July 26th, the youth led an action outside the Thompson Center, protesting Governor Pritzker’s decision to fund a sixth youth prison in Illinois. They made the banners & signs, created flyers & handed them out, invented & initiated chants, and did a GREAT job! The Chicago Sun-Time also ran a piece on their action – click here to read it!

WILD Wellington committee members Kryss Chupp & Jim Morris, along with Claudette Richards and Pastor Ann-Louise were delighted to be there to witness and support them!

[Above photo by Ann-Louise Haak; photos below by Kryss Chupp]

RSVP for the WILD
Graduation Celebration!

Thursday, July 28th at 6pm

For the past four weeks, BIPOC youth from across Chicago have come together to learn about people power, community organizing, abolitionist campaigns, and even planning their own protest.  At this graduation event, the first class of participants will share reflections from their time with WILD, receive awards, and we’ll share photos and videos from highlights this summer.  We hope to see you there!


Given the highly contagious & severe nature of the COVID Ba5 variant, space is limited for in person attendance at this event.  If you received a personal invite from a WILD participant or organizer, you are welcome to attend in person.  If you are a supporter, we encourage you to attend via the livestream.  Masks are required at all times when indoors during the event.  We will provide them if you don’t have one.

RSVP at this link.

Virtual Link will be e-mailed to all who sign up using this link. Streaming will also be available on Instagram Live through the account, @AFSCChiPeace.

Coming Soon!

At the June Congregational Meeting, we voted to focus this next year on finding a more permanent home for Wellington.

That raises lots of questions – 
What kind of worship schedule do we envision in our future?
Do we ever see ourselves returning to weekly
in person/hybrid services?

Are we interested in a shared space?
If so, how often would we want to use it/have access to it? 

The Worship Committee would like to engage the wider community in this conversation!

Please join our next meeting ~ 6pm on Monday, August 1st
at Pastor Ann-Louise’s home in Rogers Park.

We’ll start with a light meal, so please let us know if you can attend! You can also join by Zoom, but then you’ll need to provide your own meal.   

Want to make a difference in the world? Here are some ways to engage!

  • From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition – Demand Justice for Survivors! Several immigrant women have reported being sexually assaulted at Stewart Detention Center. Sign the petition to shut down Stewart and provide relief to the survivors. 
  • From North Side Housing & Supportive Services –  Support their new permanent shelter in the 49th Ward!  The results are in from the community survey – and, unsurprisingly, they show that the closer someone lives to the proposed site, the more opposed they are to the shelter. You can check out the results here

Overall, community support is still strong – let’s help keep it that way! On Wednesday, August 3rd at 6pm, Alderwoman Maria Hadden will hold another virtual community meeting about the proposed site. Click here to register to attend the meeting. Your presence matters even if you live outside the ward!

What’s Up?
Congregational Life 

THIS THURSDAY, July 21st from 6:30-9pm
Jeff Tweedy and the Students of The People’s Music School Live in Concert at Pritzker Pavilion

Pack a picnic & come join folks from Wellington at a lovely summer outing! Chris will arrive early to save space for Wellington people.

The People’s Music School is our partner organization for paying reparations for Negro spirituals, so this is a great opportunity to hear their students open for Jeff Tweedy & play alongside him.

Interested? Let Chris or Brenda or Donna know!

Sometimes you just need a document! Click below if you’re looking for:

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