Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life & the wider world.
If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, let Jeffery know! You can reach him at: or 773-935-0642 (text or call).

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458.

It’s PRIDE SUNDAY, everyone!
You can join the worship service on Zoom, from the comfort of your own home, or come on out & join the Wellington contingent at the parade!
We’ll meet a little before 10:30am
at the RED X on the map below and Zoom in to worship!
Afterwards, we’ll go grab our spot
in the parade line-up!
Email Ann-Louise if you plan to be there in person!

Donate in Support of The Negro Spirituals’ Reparations
Wellington UCC pays royalties each time we sing a Negro Spiritual in a service to honor the musical legacy of enslaved African Americans. Unlike other hymns and worship music, Negro Spirituals were not published until after the names of their creators were long forgotten, if they were ever even known. They are both witness to the horrors of slavery and racism, and witness to a merciful, faithful, and just Christianity which we still aspire to live into today. As an art form, Negro Spirituals are the unacknowledged intellectual property of the enslaved Africans in America. The enslaved people who first gave voice to the Spirituals are not known by name, but their songs are. “This Little Light of Mine,” “Swing Low Sweet Chariot,” “Every Time I Feel The Spirit,” “There is a Balm in Gilead,” “Wade in the Water,” and many others, are songs that still speak to us and through us, and they make us want to sing. They are many of the ways we learn about God’s grace.
Enslaved Africans and African Americans have given us a rich legacy of breathtakingly beautiful music. It soothes, inspires, breaks down walls, protests indignities, preaches the gospel, show us how to pray, and leads us in the path of righteousness. Although there is no way we can repay the gift of this legacy, we do want to honor this work and those who created it.
Since January 2022, whenever we sing Negro Spirituals as part of our Wellington services, we make a donation to The People’s Music School which for decades has supported the development of young communities of color. Thus The People’s Music School is the recipient of Wellington’s paying the royalties as we walk this musical journey toward racial justice and healing together.
Support our June Helping Hands offering today!
Click Here if you’d like to give online!
(Just remember to choose “Helping Hands” from the drop-down menu.)
You can also mail a check to the church office
(P.O. Box 804687, Chicago, IL 60680-4108) – just be sure to note
“June Helping Hands” in the memo line
Special Events Coming Soon!

Join the Book Club on July 15th!
We extend a special invitation to all members to join this conversation.
Margaret England will lead us through the book discussion and begin conversations around end of life issues as special programming for the Congregational Life Committee.
This is the first event in our new Aging with Grace series – keep an eye out for more events coming soon!

The next
Last Supper* Club
will be at 6pm on Friday, June 30.
Treat yourself to a mid-week pick-me-up!
Good food &
even better company.
Click the button below to RSVP

Earlier this year, the Outreach Committee gave financial support to the Albany Park Theater Project to support their summer project.
Port of Entry invites you to step inside the real-life stories of immigrants and refugees from all parts of the world living side by side in a single apartment building in one of the country’s most diverse immigrant communities: Chicago’s Albany Park.
Their website says the run (July 15 – August 12) is already sold out, but we’re going to see if we can get some tickets for a group to attend!
Music 4 the Soul
for the June 25, 2023 service
click on the image below to enjoy
this video curated
by our Music Director, Chris Inserra.
NOTE: Music 4 the Soul is taking a summer break and will resume in September.
What’s Up?
Congregational Life
We’ll gather at the AIDS Garden Chicago for a delightful time of fellowship. More details to come, but save the date on your calendar now!

Save the date on your calendar for one of the best weekends of the year! Take one final dip in the lake…enjoy the peace and quiet of being out of town…and compete in the “Waggle Dance Off” to help select our next meeting space!
We’ve got 20 spots to fill in the new Lodge building, pictured above – let us know if we should save one for you!
Sometimes you just need a document!
Click below if you’re looking for:
- This Sunday’s BULLETIN
- The latest version of the CHURCH DIRECTORY

Copyright © 2023 Wellington UCC, All rights reserved.