Wellington’s Weekly News 10/4/23

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Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life & the wider world.

If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, please let the office know! 
Reach out to office@waucc.org or 773-935-0642 (text or call).

The Rev. Craig Mousin will be leading worship this week! His sermon title is Back to the Future – but Third Grade?

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458.


This month marks our shift to TWO in-person/hybrid services a month! We’ll still be on Zoom every week, but folks who are local will have the opportunity to be together more often. 

Mark these dates on your calendar:
October 15, November 5 & 19, December 3 & 17.

The Wellington Chicago Community Jail Support Team has extended their personal hygiene supply drive for an extra week!  

Check out the list on the left, and bring your donations to worship on October 15th!

You can also reach out to
Meg Evans or Debbie Southorn
if you need your items picked up.  

September Helping Hands Offering – Wellington’s Welcome Home Fund for Carl Williams

Please give generously to our September offering, which will be used to support long-time Wellington friend Carl Williams as he returns home after almost 30 years of incarceration. You can mail a check to the church office with the note “Helping Hands” in the memo line, or click here to give online.

Click on Carl’s image below if you’d like to watch the Call to Share from the worship service on September 24th, offered by Pastor Ann-Louise.

Upcoming Events

Think of Coffee Talk as a modern day coffee klatch—grab your favorite beverage, maybe a little treat, and gather with friends for conversation—all without needing to leave the house!
Dave Safeblade is our host and would love to
welcome you into the circle.


Come celebrate Dick Simpson as he is honored for his lifelong commitment to fighting against corruption and for good government in Chicago!

Please let Pastor Ann-Louise know if you would like to join Wellington’s table at this event. Tickets are $135; scholarships available.

Want to experience a love letter to Chicago’s youth organizers?
RSVP now for the highly anticipated screening of the

No Cop Academy Documentary
Monday, October 16th
at 5pm in Malcolm X’s Conference Center Auditorium

Turn out to be inspired by the next generation—and watch for cameos of Debbie Southorn!
(Can you find her in the above image?!?)

“Charming, compulsively readable, and full of wit, Shelby Van Pelt’s debut novel is a beautiful exploration of friendship, reckoning, and hope—a reminder that sometimes taking a hard look at the past can help uncover a future that once felt impossible.” (from the author’s website)

Pick up a copy today so you’re ready for the next
Book Club meeting on Saturday, October 21st at 10am!

There are just a few Last Suppers left in the year, so if you haven’t attended one yet, RSVP soon!

October’s dinner will be on Tuesday the 31st—and in addition to dinner & conversation, we’ll be handing out candy to Trick or Treaters!
Join us for the fun.

Music 4 the Soul

for the October 8, 2023 service 

Click on the image to enjoy 

this video honoring Indigenous People 

curated by our Music Director, Chris Inserra.

“We can find unity in our diversity. IllumiNative and Mag 7’s release of “We Are One,” is a collaboration to show the richness, diversity, and beauty of Indian Country. Today on Indigenous Peoples’ Day and every day we are here to say that We Are Still Here. Research has shown that the lack of representation of Native peoples in mainstream society creates a void that limits the understanding and knowledge that Americans have of Native communities. We are here to fight the invisibility that Natives face by amplifying contemporary, authentic Native voices, and supporting Native peoples tell their story. We as humans all live in this one world where we have to work and live together. Our goal is for Native peoples to be normalized in a current today and show accurate and positive representations of our people. About IllumiNative and Mag 7: IllumiNative is an initiative, created and led by Natives, to challenge the negative narrative that surrounds Native communities and ensure accurate and authentic portrayals of Native communities are present in pop culture and media.”
– Taboo YouTube Channel, Oct 14, 2019

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