Wellington’s Weekly News 10/5/22

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Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life & the wider world.

If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, let Jeffery know! 
You can reach him at: office@waucc.org or 773-935-0642 (text or call).

This week, we are delighted to welcome Clinton Stockwell as our guest preacher, with Karen Stockwell serving as liturgist!

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458. You can also program your phone for one tap dialing with the following info: +13126266799,, 91732186458#
Click on the number to call, and it should automatically connect you to the meeting.

Pastor Ann-Louise will be away from October 6-12 on Study Leave. In case of a pastoral emergency, please reach out to Jeffery in the Church Office (773-935-0642).

Alex Barnes, our UChicago seminary intern, would also love to meet up
with folks as she gets to know the congregation.

Click on the button below to schedule a visit with Alex! 

Coming Soon!

Wellington’s Book Group meets at 10:00am
on the third Saturday of each month.
Newcomers are always welcome!

In October, we will be discussing
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig.

Somewhere out beyond the edge of the universe there is a library that contains an infinite number of books, each one the story of another reality. One tells the story of your life as it is, along with another book for the other life you could have lived if you had made a different choice at any point in your life.

While we all wonder how our lives might have been, what if you had the chance to go to the library and see for yourself?
Would any of these other lives truly be better?

Interested? Pick up a copy today, you’ll be ready
for some lively discussion by October 15th!

Want to get ahead on your reading?
November’s selection is Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts by Rebecca Hall

Questions? Reach out to Claudette Richards, the Book Group Coordinator.

Ethical Will Workshop
led by Margaret England, with assistance from Pastor Ann-Louise 

Ethical wills are nothing new. They were first mentioned in the Hebrew Bible 3000 years ago! They are an important tool for individuals and loved ones and can be written at any age.

They help clarify your values, interests and hopes. 
They help prevent misunderstandings and confusion
in case you’re not able to speak for yourself.

October 22nd and October 29th

Saturday morning 10:30am to noon
meeting in person only
at Lincoln Park Presbyterian Church

Please invite a friend or loved one.

This is an open event; however, space is limited. 
Pre-registration is required. 

Our colleagues at Lincoln Park Presbyterian are holding their 7th Annual Vigil Against Violence in a few weeks. Please attend if you can, either in person or online! Some of us will be going out to dinner or coffee afterwards – Let Pastor Ann-Louise know if you’d like to join that outing!

Sunday, October 30th will be our final Special Music Service
of the year ~ and we’ll be graced by the musical artistry of
Arnaé Batson. Mark your calendar now, and plan to bring a friend! 

Throughout the pandemic, Arnaé has expanded her reach into worldwide audiences through numerous online vocal programs and workshops.  In addition to her own weekly Tuesday night Zoom series, she serves as a host and song leader for the “Daily Antidote of Song,” an online program that brings inspiration, connection and joyful music every day to singers around the globe.  
Arnaé also partners with Carpe Diem Arts, Inc. as a song leader and host for their monthly virtual Community Sing! program.  Her own Classic Gospel workshops provides participants with captivating and memorable history-based musical experiences in a uniquely sincere and authentic way.

In the News

Adopt-a-Beach reached their ambitious goal. Volunteers have removed more than half a million pounds of litter from Great Lakes beaches and shorelines! As of today, 501,336 pounds collected since 2003.

This amazing accomplishment shines a powerful spotlight on plastic pollution in the Great Lakes. Year after year, more than 85% of the litter collected is made of plastic. Obtaining this number is due in part to volunteers’ dedication to collecting data in addition to keeping beaches clean. Wellington is part of an amazing community of thousands of people working across the region to protect the lakes!

What’s Up?
Congregational Life 

Treat this spot like a community bulletin board!

Are you interested in attending a community event – or is there an activity that you’d like to invite folks to join you in? 

If so, please share the details with Jeffery so we can list it here!

Music 4 the Soul

Music lifts our spirits & takes us places that words can’t reach.
Click on the image below to enjoy this week’s rendition of
Music 4 the Soul – a selection of timely videos, curated by our
Music Director, Chris Inserra.

Sometimes you just need a document! Click below if you’re looking for:

Copyright © 2022 Wellington UCC, All rights reserved.


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