Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life
& the wider world.
If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, let Jeffery know!
You can reach him at: or 773-935-0642 (text or call).
THIS SUNDAY, February 5th
is our monthly in-person/hybrid worship service!
We’re at Malcolm X College,1900 W. Jackson Blvd
Need directions? Just click on the address!
This will be our last Sunday at Malcolm X College.
In-person or online, we gather at 10:30am.
See you there!
Wondering how to get there? Click on the video below!

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458.

Wednesday, February 22nd
marks the beginning of Lent!
Let us know what you’re interested in this season – click here
for a brief survey!

January’s Helping Hands offering goes to support Circles & Ciphers, a hip-hop infused restorative justice organization in Rogers Park led by and for young people impacted by violence.
Click here to learn more about them – and click here if you’d like to give online!
(Just remember to choose “Helping Hands” from the drop-down menu.)
Coming Soon!
You’re invited! Community Briefing at
6pm on Tuesday, February 21st.
Click here to register.
Hear from JASC leadership & organizers about current strategy, recent wins, and where they’re going next. Supported by our Outreach funds!

For the 14th year, Wellington’s Community Choir will participate in the Annual El Pueblo Canta Immigrant Justice Benefit Concert.
More details to com, but for now, be sure to
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, April 29, 2023!
Music 4 the Soul!
Click on the image below to enjoy a highlighted video for the
Sunday, February 5th service curated
by our Music Director, Chris Inserra.
Hush! Somebody’s Callin’ My Name
Sunbeams Choir (Gospel, Hymn)
What’s Up?
Congregational Life
Treat this spot like a community bulletin board!
Are you interested in attending a community event – or is there an activity that you’d like to invite folks to join you in?
If so, please share the details with Jeffery so we can list it here!
Sometimes you just need a document! Click below if you’re looking for:
- This week’s BULLETIN
- The latest version of the CHURCH DIRECTORY

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