Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life
& the wider world.
If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, let Jeffery know!
You can reach him at: or 773-935-0642 (text or call).

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458.

Please join us at 7pm in the
Zoom Sanctuary on
Wednesday, February 22nd
for a meditative & brief Ash Wednesday service.
Also – last call for the Lenten Survey!
Click here to let us know what you’re interested in doing this season – even if that’s nothing.

Every week during Black History Month, Pastor Ann-Louise will share some tidbits for CELEBRATION, and for EDUCATION.
Did you know that Chicago has a Black Restaurant Week?
We do! It runs from Feb. 12-26, so we CELEBRATE that there’s still time to head out & support these black owned businesses.
Click here for the list of participating restaurants.
I invite you to EDUCATE yourself by learning more about our country’s history of racial injustice. The Equal Justice Initiativehas a daily calendar of sobering facts – click here for today’s entry.
Until we confront our history of racial injustice and its legacy, we cannot overcome the racial bias that still exists today.

From time to time we share information about petitions to sign or other ways to get involved in working for peace with justice.

On behalf of Wellington’s Immigrant Justice Task Force, please take a moment to lift up this quick, digital action!
In Illinois and across the nation, fear-based policies and actions have been repeatedly wielded against us. While fighting off attacks on DACA, we also stood by asylum-seeking migrants
being used as political pawns. Stand with IJTF and please take 30 seconds to email your state legislators now to ask for their support or thank them for already signing on.
Save the Date!

The Jane Adams Senior Caucus (JASC) is one of the organizations Wellington supported financially last year.
They’ve invited us to attend their Community Briefing at
6pm on Tuesday, February 21st.
Click here to register.
Hear from JASC leadership & organizers about
current strategies, recent wins, and where they’re going next.

All seats are now taken at this month’s Last Supper* Club – so save yourself a seat at the table in March!
The rules: bring yourself & an appetite for good food and deep conversation.
*of the month – always held on the last day of the month
Music 4 the Soul!
Click on the image below to enjoy this video
– curated by our Music Director, Chris Inserra –
and click here to learn some historical background about this song.
We’ll be singing it in the worship service on
Sunday, February 19th!
We Shall Not Be Moved
The Freedom Singers, performed at the March on Washington

Your new Council is hard at work drafting some tools to help us all serve as “scout bees” for our new permanent home!
Keep an eye on this corner of the newsletter for “Beemocracy” updates – and remember that we’re looking forward to some “waggle dances” after church on February 26th!
Wondering what all this bee-talk is about? Get yourself up to (bee) speed by clicking here to review the presentation from Wellington Way 2022.
What’s Up?
Congregational Life
Treat this spot like a community bulletin board!
Are you interested in attending a community event – or is there an activity that you’d like to invite folks to join you in?
If so, please share the details with Jeffery so we can list it here!
Sometimes you just need a document! Click below if you’re looking for:
- This week’s BULLETIN
- The latest version of the CHURCH DIRECTORY
Copyright © 2023 Wellington UCC, All rights reserved.