Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life & the wider world.
If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, please let the office know! Reach out to or 773-935-0642 (text or call).
~ Sunday, March 2nd ~
join us at 11am
for a hybrid worship service!

Join us ONSITE at First Church of the Brethren, 425 S. Central Park Avenue. To map directions from your location,
Street parking is free & usually available within one block of the church building.


Clearly, this man is serious about office work & making copies!
Please offer a warm welcome to
Andrew Tham, our new church administrator! He started last week and is already a great addition to our team.
He’ll be with us on the first Sunday of each month – to get checks signed & help out with tech – so come on out & meet him this Sunday!

The season of Lent begins on Wednesday, March 5th.
Cross that threshold at a brief, meditative service with cello & piano.
7pm Wednesday in the Zoom Sanctuary
This year, our focus is on Honoring & Building Community Resilience. Pick up your Lenten Goody Bag after worship this Sunday!

The Last Supper* Club is back in full swing!
Meg Evans is hosting the February Last Supper tonight,
AND we’re already taking reservations for dinner at Deb Lee’s on Monday, March 31st.
Please RSVP to the Church Office if you’d like to attend.
Friends are welcome! Bring your appetite, and prepare to be nourished by community.
*it’s the Last Supper of the month – always on the last day of the month!

The Book Club is taking the month of February off – but still encourages folks to read Tomorrow, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow on their own!
In March, they will be reading & discussing In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez.
Grab a copy & join in the fun on
Saturday, March 15
at 10am on Zoom
Music 4 the Soul
In these troubling days, Holly Near reminds us:
I am open and I am willing
to be hopeless would seem so strange.
It dishonors those who go before us,
so lift me up in the light of change.
words & music by Holly Near
Sometimes you just need a document!
Click below if you’re looking for:
- This Sunday’s BULLETIN
- The latest version of the CHURCH DIRECTORY
- The approved CHURCH COUNCIL MINUTES (January mtg)
- Buying something for church? Remember that it’s tax-exempt! CLICK HERE for a copy of the form.
- Need to be reimbursed for a church expense? Download a Wellington REIMBURSEMENT FORM and submit it to the Church Office!
Copyright © 2025 Wellington UCC, All rights reserved.