Wellington’s Weekly News 3/1/23

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Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life
& the wider world.

If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, let Jeffery know! 
You can reach him at: office@waucc.org or 773-935-0642 (text or call).

THIS SUNDAY, March 5th
is our monthly in-person/hybrid worship service!

We’re at North Shore Baptist Church, 5244 N Lakewood Ave.
Need directions? Just click on the address!

In-person or online, we gather at 10:30am.
See you there!  

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458.

As we move from Black History Month into the season of Lent, 
here are some more resources to inspire us
in our work to overcome
the legacy of racism in our country. 

Listen to teenagers share what it’s like to be a young Black man or woman in America – reflecting on their experiences with discrimination and racism, their accomplishments, and the village that embraces them. (Thanks to Shelby’s mom, Genie Hatch, for sending this resource our way!)

In 2020, after the murder of George Floyd, the book White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo raced to the top of the best seller’s list. If you meant to read it, but never got around to it,
click here to read the article that led to the book.
Think of it as the Cliff’s Notes version!

Inspired by the example set by the United Parish in Brookline, MA,
Wellington has made a commitment to “pay royalties”
each time we sing a Negro Spiritual in worship to honor
the legacy of enslaved African Americans.

We will “pay royalties” by making a quarterly donation to The People’s Music School, supporting the development of young Black students and a wealth of students of color as Chicago-area musicians.

Online giving to the Helping Hands offering on February 19 has brought in $100.00 thus far – but we’re hoping to raise a total of $475 to cover all the spirituals we’ve sung during the first three months of the year.

We invite you to please give generously to this initiative.
You can give online
(be sure to choose “Helping Hands” from the drop-down menu)
or by mailing a check to the church office
(P.O. Box 804687, Chicago, IL 60680-4108). 

Missed Chris’ presentation? You can read it here

To read more about Spiritual Reparations, in general, click here

Check out the latest podcast from Craig Mousin!

In this Lawful Assembly podcast issues with Biden administration’s proposed asylum rule is discussed in an interview with NIJC Policy Director Heidi Altman. Click here to listen!

Tell the Biden administration not to bring back Trump’s Asylum Ban.

The Biden administration is taking comments from the public about its plan to bring back an asylum ban – a new version of one of the most anti-asylum seeker policies of the Trump era. 

Use the link below to submit a comment sharing how this policy will hurt asylum seekers. To make sure your comment is counted and considered, please edit our pre-drafted suggestion to make it unique. Anyone regardless of immigration status may submit a comment, but comments must be submitted in English.

Click here to raise your voice!

Save these dates!

Pull out your calendar and save yourself a seat at the next Last Supper* Club! It will be at Ann-Louise’s home on March 31st.

Bring yourself & an appetite for good food & conversation.

*of the month – always held on the last day of the month

You, too, could enjoy an evening of good food & conversation – just click on the button below to save yourself a seat at the table!  

William Southwick   1938 – 2023

A few weeks ago in church, we announced the passing of our beloved Bill Southwick. 

Click here to read Bill’s obituary in The Chicago Tribune

If you’d like to send a card to Dan Southwick, his address is: 1857 Nason Street, Alameda, CA 94501

There is a tentative plan to hold a service for Bill here in the Chicago area on July 29th. Please save the date! 

Music 4 the Soul!

In our Lenten Journey,
click on the image below to enjoy a video, for the March 5, 2023 service
curated by our Music Director, Chris Inserra.

Ise Oluwa, in Yoruba, mean “God’s work can never be destroyed.”

Ise Oluwa

Lagos City Chorales Nigeria
Musica Sacra International 2016

Have you spotted a place that might work
as new physical home for Wellington? 

We’re hoping to have a Waggle Dance or two during Fellowship Hour this Sunday! Come prepared to strut your stuff. 

What’s Up?

Congregational Life 

Treat this spot like a community bulletin board!

Are you interested in attending a community event – or is there an activity that you’d like to invite folks to join you in? 

If so, please share the details with Jeffery so we can list it here!

Sometimes you just need a document! Click below if you’re looking for:

Copyright © 2023 Wellington UCC, All rights reserved.


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