Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life
& the wider world.
If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, let Jeffery know!
You can reach him at: or 773-935-0642 (text or call).

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458.
Coming Soon!
NEXT SUNDAY, April 2nd, is Palm Sunday
and it is our monthly in-person/hybrid worship service!
We’re at North Shore Baptist Church, 5244 N Lakewood Ave.
Need directions? Just click on the address!
In-person or online, we gather at 10:30am.
Hope to see you there!

We are in the midst of a pivotal moment in our shared story. The well-being of transgender and non-binary youth is being debated in legislative sessions across the United States. As of March 3 there have been 385 anti-LGBTQ bills introduced, with 108 of these bills aiming to end gender affirming healthcare for trans and non-binary youth. This places more than 54,000 trans youth actively taking life-saving gender affirming medical care at risk.
This is the highest number of anti-LGBTQ bills ever introduced in a single legislative season.
Click here for resources that are currently being offered by our denomination, and to call on your representative in Congress to oppose H.R. 734.

Last Sunday, Aliya Prescott spoke with us during Fellowship Hour about the vital work that Nourishing Hope (formerly known as the Lakeview Pantry) is doing in Chicago.
Here are additional ways to Help Nourishing Hope
Come Volunteer
Join a volunteer corp of 5,000 to make a difference in our city! Group and individual volunteer opportunities exist Monday-Saturday from 9am to 8pm at multiple locations.
Do you have a car? Nourishing Hope could use your help delivering groceries to seniors via our Home Delivery program on Saturday mornings. If you’re interested in supporting this incredible program, please email with photos of your car insurance and driver’s license to get started.
Becoming a volunteer is quick and easy! Click here to get started!
After you register, you will receive your personal link and can sign up for a volunteer shift right away!
For questions or to register a group, please email
Save the Date!
All seats are now taken at this month’s Last Supper* Club – so save yourself a seat at the table in April!
The rules: bring yourself & an appetite for good food and deep conversation.
*of the month – always held on the last day of the mont

Music 4 the Soul!
In our Lenten Journey,
click on the images below to enjoy two videos,
featuring children to young adults,
for the March 26, 2023 service
curated by our Music Director, Chris Inserra.
Dona Nobis Pacem
Dona Nobis Pacem
from PSU’s College of the Arts

Wellington’s Church Council has created a WAGGLE FORM where you can submit notes about possible locations you’ve scouted for our future home!
Click here to access the form!
Even if you haven’t scouted a spot yet, looking at the form will give you a sense of the questions you’ll need to ask about a space.
Not ready to scout on your own? Click on the button below to connect with other scouts, or to ride along with Pastor Ann-Louise on a scouting tour.
What’s Up?
Congregational Life
Treat this spot like a community bulletin board!
Are you interested in attending a community event – or is there an activity that you’d like to invite folks to join you in?
If so, please share the details with Jeffery so we can list it here!
Sometimes you just need a document! Click below if you’re looking for:
- This week’s BULLETIN
- The latest version of the CHURCH DIRECTORY

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