Wellington’s Weekly News 3/9/24

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Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life & the wider world.

If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, please let the office know! Reach out to office@waucc.org or 773-935-0642 (text or call).

Get ready to enjoy later evenings – and don’t forget to set your clocks ahead, maybe even go to bed a little earlier tonight!

You don’t want to catch the Postlude tomorrow, thinking it’s the Prelude! 

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458.

During Fellowship Hour, Debbie Frisch, Founder & Executive Director of Hello, Baby will share an update on the work our Outreach funds are helping to support as they build “an oasis in a play desert.”

Chicago will be a more peaceful city when everyone has access to the resources they need – including a place to call home!  

Remember to VOTE YES on BALLOT QUESTION 1 to help 
Bring Chicago Home!

Make a plan to vote on March 19th –
or vote early and know your vote will be counted. 

Early voting sites are open in all 50 Wards – you can vote at ANY of them. 
Click here for the full list.

You can also still register to vote by mail!

The siege of Gaza has now entered its fifth month.

Over 30,000 have been killed.
People are dying from starvation.

We must continue to demand a ceasefire in Gaza

Click here for easy step-by-step instructions.

image by @Ernestoyerena

This year, our Lenten Theme is
Challenging Conversations with Compassion.

With an election on the horizon, and conflicts all around the world, there are plenty of challenging conversations to get pulled into.
But what about hard conversations at work, or at home?

Join us this year to practice strategies for having these challenging conversations from a place of compassion for yourself, and also for the ones you disagree with.

Our second session is this week ~
Wednesday, March 13th
from 7-8pm.

You can join us from the Zoom Sanctuary, or gather in person at the Nambu Chapel.

For folks gathering in person, arrive by 6:30pm and you’ll get a simple soup supper, too!

Click here to join Coffee Talk on March 13th.

Book Club meets
Saturday, March 16th
at 10am

Dick Simpson will facilitate the discussion of this
“wondrous and shattering novel
[that] follows twelve characters from Native communities: all traveling to the Big Oakland Powwow, all connected to one another in ways they may not yet realize.” (Goodreads)

The novel was the 2023 “One Book One Chicago” selection – see the author’s keynote speech from that event here.

Since the last day of March is Easter Sunday, there will be no meeting of the Last Supper* Club this month! 

However, Elaine Klemen is hosting in April! Save the date now.

The long & winding road of our “Beemocracy” project is coming to an end! We are down to TWO final candidates for a longer term “home,” and have sites visits planned to explore them more. For now, we just want you to save these dates – more information will be forthcoming in the weeks ahead!

Music 4 the Soul!

May the light of love embrace you as you walk through Lent.
This week’s Music 4 the Soul is written and performed David Roth.
His simple rendition reminds us of the basic tenants of
love, support & community.

May the Light of Love
by David Roth

Sometimes you just need a document!

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