Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life & the wider world.
If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, let Jeffery know! You can reach him at: or 773-935-0642 (text or call).

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458.
THIS Thursday evening at 6pm!

Michael Johnson is an incarcerated torture survivor who was wrongfully convicted 40 years ago. Wellington member Betty Benson – may she rest in peace & in power – regularly visited Michael in prison, and asked us to continue supporting him.
Michael’s mother, Mary L Johnson, who recently celebrated her 90th birthday, has fought tirelessly for justice for her son and for other survivors of police torture. She joined us in worship last summer at the Centro Romero art gallery!
This Thursday, April 20, we are joining the community of Chicago Torture Justice Memorials for a virtual letter-writing event to free Michael Johnson so he can finally be reunited with his family!
Participants will get support on how to write a clemency letter from others with experience. This event will happen on Zoom starting at 6PM Chicago time. Registration is required —
click the link below to sign up!
Coming Soon!

El Pueblo Canta – it’s almost here!

On Sunday, April 30th – weather permitting – we plan to hold a special hybrid worship service for a Fifth Sunday celebration! You can Zoom in from the comfort of your own home, or come on out & join us along the lakefront, in the AIDS Garden. Brenda, Mark, and Ann-Louise will lead this special service.
More details next week!
5 Reasons to attend the Last Supper Club
1. The food is really good.
2. The company & conversation is even better!
3. All you have to do is RSVP & show up.
4. It’s a great way to spend time with other people from Wellington.
5. It’s a great way to introduce someone new to Wellington.
Last Supper* Club
will be at 6pm on Sunday, April 30th.
We have 3 seats available at the table – grab one for yourself today!
*of the month – always held on the last day of the month

Check out the latest
Lawful Assembly podcast
from Craig Mousin!
In this episode, titled A Moral Claim for Sensible Gun Regulation, listeners are encouraged to take action regarding gun control
given recent events
across our country.
Click here to listen!

Click HERE to
Tell Your Elected Leaders:
You MUST Act to End Gun Violence!

Celebrate Earth Day 2022 by Protecting Oak Flat!
Our friends at the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Libertyhave come up with 18 ways you can celebrate Earth Day by taking action to save Oak Flat.
Click here for the full list!
You can also click here to sign a petition encouraging Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to save Oak Flat – just be sure to “edit subscription preferences” (in small text, at the bottom) before you click on “Add your name” so you don’t get inundated by other petitions for every good cause on God’s green earth.
Music 4 the Soul!
Honoring our Muslim neighbors
with the end of Ramadan
for the April 23rd service,
click on the image below to enjoy a video
curated by our Music Director, Chris Inserra.
The Arab World Blessing
June 7, 2020
In two weeks, 67 people from 16 Arab nations came together to record this blessing. May all who hear this song truly receive a blessing. Amen لقد اجتمع٦٧ فرد من ١٦ بلد عربية، خلال اسبوعين، ليقوموا بتسجيلات هذه البركة. والآن يتم عمل تسجيلات أخرى بلهجات عربية في أنحاء العالم العربي. نصلي أن يستقبل بركة الرب بصورة حقيقية كل من يستمع لهذه الترنيمة. آمين People from the following places took part in this video: Egypt, South Sudan, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestinians in Israel and the State of Palestine, Syria, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.

SAVE THE DATE: Sept. 15-17
For a “Waggle Dance Off” at the church retreat!
This will be our opportunity to compare potential future sites selected by members of the community and decide which one to pursue!
Questions? Check in with any member of the Church Council – Kryss Chupp, Jordan Dobrowski, Shelby Hatch, Brenda Friedman, Colleen Harper, Debbie Southorn, Jim Morris, Karen Graham, Roland Dehne, or our NEWEST Council member – Congregational Life Chair, Claudette Richards!
Wondering what we’re looking for in a new space?
Click here to access the form that outlines what we ask when considering a spot.
What’s Up?
Congregational Life
We are DELIGHTED to share the news that Claudette Richards has agreed to step up and serve as the chair of the Congregational Life Committee!
Be on the lookout for opportunities to share your thoughts about what we need from “Congo Life” in this season.
Sometimes you just need a document! Click below if you’re looking for:
- This Sunday’s BULLETIN
- The latest version of the CHURCH DIRECTORY

Copyright © 2023 Wellington UCC, All rights reserved.