If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, let Jeffery know! You can reach him at: office@waucc.org or 773-935-0642 (text or call).
We had a bunch of in-person services during the month of April, but May 1st is our only in-person service this month!
Join us Sunday morning at 6212 N. Clark Street, in the Centro Romero Youth Art Gallery, or click on the peace dove below to attend online.

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458. You can also program your phone for one tap dialing with the following info: +13126266799,, 91732186458#
Click on the number to call, and it should automatically connect you to the meeting.

Pre-registration for this event has closed – but email Nancy Callahan at Heartland for late registration or to get a copy of the recording!
This interactive virtual panel discussion will include READI Chicago participants, supporters, and staff who are working together to address violence and resulting trauma.
Highlights of their Community Violence Intervention work includes:
- As noted in the Chicago Sun-Times, participants in READI’s 18-month program were nearly two-thirds less likely to be arrested despite increases in community violence.
- Funding partners have invested $36 Million directly into communities on Chicago’s south and west sides, including nearly $10 million to participants for more than 350,000 hours of transitional employment and more than 5,000 days of training and development.
- Collaboration on the launch of the National Coalition for Gun Violence Interventions to ensure that successful local interventions and lessons translate to safer communities for all Americans.
READI Chicago was the recipient of Wellington’s Helping Hands offering in January! Thanks to a dollar-for-dollar match from the Outreach Committee, we were able to support their work with a gift of $1,023.80.

Coming Soon!

On Sunday, May 29th – Special Worship Service with Emma’s Revolution!
The Dalai Lama, Pete Seeger, and Holly Near all love the fervent & heart-felt music of these long-time friends of Wellington who will enrich our service with their musical offerings.
Bring a friend ~ we’ll be worshipping online, so folks can attend from anywhere!

Music 4 the Soul
Music lifts our spirits & takes us places that words can’t reach. Click on the image below to enjoy this week’s rendition of Music 4 the Soul – a selection of timely videos, curated by our Music Director, Chris Inserra.

Sometimes you just need a document!
Click below if you’re looking for:
- This week’s BULLETIN
- The latest version of the CHURCH DIRECTORY
- Reflections on the lectionary texts for this Sunday, May 1st.
Copyright © 2022 Wellington UCC, All rights reserved.