Wellington’s Weekly News 4/6/24

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Welcome to Eastertide!

The Rev. Craig Mousin is preaching this Sunday, and Chris Inserra is liturgist.

Come enjoy the gifts of this dynamic duo, either in person at Nambu Chapel
(need directions? click here!) or in the Zoom sanctuary. 

Looking forward to seeing you in worship on Sunday!

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458.

THIS SUNDAY, after you grab some treats at Fellowship Hour, get ready to stretch your legs and explore all the nooks and crannies of North Shore Baptist Church!

Bring your most inquisitive and attentive self, as we ponder the possibilities present in choosing this as our next physical home. And remember to save the date for April 21st, when we’ll have a similar exploration of First Church of the Brethren, in West Garfield Park. 

Until there is a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, we must keep up the pressure on our elected officials.

Call today, please.

Click here for easy step-by-step instructions.

image by @Ernestoyerena

The expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) has been stuck in the Senate since January, when the House passed it with an overwhelming bipartisan majority. It is critical that senators pass the expanded CTC before it is too late.

Urge your senators to support the expanded CTC and bring it up for a vote as soon as they return from recess.

Take Action

The expanded CTC prioritizes children whose families currently receive only a partial child tax credit or no credit at all because their incomes are too low. Approximately 16 million children will benefit from the expansion.

Senators know there is strong support for this legislation. We cannot lose momentum now.

Please urge your senators to bring the expanded CTC up for a vote as soon as they return from recess and to vote yes on the legislation.

IF WE ARE ALIVE, WE ARE AGING – and we could all use a little more grace on the journey!

Please join us for a brief Aging with Grace program during Fellowship Hour after our Zoom service on April 14th.

Margaret England will lead us through a detailed discussion of “Five Wishes,” and will also introduce us to the work of The Conversation Project.

Pick up a hard copy of the Five Wishes booklet in church tomorrow, or download a PDF version by clicking on the image above.

Get reading! 

The Book Club meets next on 
Saturday, April 20th
at 10am

Based on the remarkable true story of the record-breaking thoroughbred, Lexington, who became America’s greatest stud sire, Horse is a gripping, multi-layered reckoning with the legacy of enslavement and racism in America.

Brenda Friedman will facilitate the discussion – all are welcome (even if you haven’t read the book)!

The Last Supper (of the month) Club is back in full swing this month, hosted by Elaine Klemen on Tuesday, April 30th.

Get your RSVP in today to save yourself a seat at the table!

Music 4 the Soul!

We’ll be celebrating communion again this Sunday –

two weeks in a row!

What a treat.

Listen to Joan Baez’s medley of

Let us Break Bread Together/Freedom

to lift your spirit and prepare you to join in the feast.

Sometimes you just need a document!

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