Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life & the wider world. If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, let Jeffery know! You can reach him at: or 773-935-0642 (text or call).

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458.

This Sunday, May 28th, we will be celebrating PENTECOST!
If some meditative coloring –
either ahead of or even during the service – would help you to reflect on this day,
click here
to download a copy
of this image!
Thanks to our friends at
Illustrated Ministry for this freebie!

Urge Businesses to Support
Work Authorization for Asylum Seekers
Asylum seekers and other new arrivals in the United States deserve the opportunity to support themselves and their families. However, our newest neighbors often face severe administrative barriers to receiving employment authorization documents (EADs or work permits) that allow them to work. These barriers to work authorization have devastating consequences for new Americans and the communities they call home, and they prevent local employers from hiring the workers they need in the midst of a prolonged labor shortage.
It is critical that businesses and business organizations join the call to expand access to work authorization. The business-only sign on letter linked below urges the Biden administration to take steps necessary to tackle the work authorization backlog and streamline access to EADs for asylum seekers and other new Americans.
Here is what you can do:
Reach out to businesses or business associations you may be in contact with and urge them to sign on to this business only sign on letter in support of improving and expanding access to work authorization.
- Letter text:
- Link to Sign On:
- Signatories (view only):
The deadline to sign on to the letter is June 5, 2023.

In the wake of death threats, leaders from Apache Stronghold invited accompaniment from Community Peacemaker Teams (CPT)
in supporting their prayerful struggle to protect the sacred land of Oak Flat in Arizona from destructive copper mining.
CPT has sent teams of two to three volunteers since May 1. Kryss Chupp and Tracy Hughes (former Wellington member now pastoring in Denver) will go to Oak Flat on June 1 to camp alongside Apache Stronghold leaders, join in daily prayer walks, and monitor Resolution Copper’s “facts-on-the-ground” encroachment.
We send our sister Kryss on her way with our prayers and blessings. We also invite you to financially support this journey!
CPT’s ability to provide this accompaniment depends completely on volunteers paying their own way (food, transportation, equipment, etc.) – so if you’re able to donate, please send a check to the church office with a note to #SaveOakFlat, or give online via, again choosing the option #SaveOakFlat from the drop-down menu.
Upcoming Musical Celebrations

Nick was an undergraduate when he started as our pianist…and now he’s about to receive his Master’s Degree in piano performance!
Brenda, Chris, and Craig will be at Nick’s recital this weekend – reach out to one of them if you want to carpool or connect!
Also, this is the LAST CALL for contributions to the cash gift we are giving him to to celebrate his accomplishments and help his summer travels go a little smoother.
Please donate if you can by clicking the link below!

Join Chicago Jazz Philharmonic at the Harris Theatre for the
much-anticipated finale of the celebrious Chicago Immigrant Stories series. Chicago Immigrant Stories IV will explore “the stories that bind us,” incorporating the voices and musicianship of Ivan Shmilo, Ukrainian Bandura Master; Luciano Antonio, Brazilian Guitarist/Vocalist; Miyumi Aoki, Kembre Daniel, and Noriko Sugiyama (of Asian Improv Arts’ TSUKASA TAIKO), Japanese Taiko Artists; and Ronald Preston of San Carlos Apache Nation alongside CJP’s 55-member orchestra.

Join us to see The Gospel at Colonus at Court Theatre
on Sunday, June 4th at 2pm!
Congregational Life is organizing an outing to see this soulful and stirring, one-of-a-kind theatrical event that breathes new life into the Oedipus myth with a score of powerful gospel music. A bold collaboration from an extraordinary team led by Mark J.P. Hood and Charles Newell, The Gospel at Colonus builds upon the strengths and experiences of its artists to bring this redemptive musical celebration to life on Chicago’s South Side.
With the group discount, tickets are $54 if you reimbursue the church by check or cash, and $56 if you want to pay via (choose “Theatre tickets” from the drop-down menu).
Next Week!
The next
Last Supper* Club
will be at 6pm on Wednesday, May 31.
Treat yourself to a mid-week pick-me-up!
Good food &
even better company.
Click the button below to RSVP


Books For Africa
Books for Africa sent over 197,000 books this month to Sierra Leone to replenish their school and public libraries. This most recent shipment will help to improve access to relevant and up-to-date books for learners in Sierra Leone,
especially those in hard to reach rural areas.
Thanks to the Outreach Committee, Karen Graham, and Dick Simpson for their support of this initiative!
To date Books for Africa has sent over 700,000 books to Sierra Leone.
Music 4 the Soul
for the May 28th service,
click on the image below to enjoy a video
curated by our Music Director, Chris Inserra.
Ode to Joy

SAVE THE DATE: Sept. 15-17
For a “Waggle Dance Off” at the church retreat!
This will be our opportunity to compare potential future sites selected by members of the community and decide which one to pursue!
Questions? Check in with any member of the Church Council – Kryss Chupp, Jordan Dobrowski, Shelby Hatch, Brenda Friedman, Colleen Harper, Debbie Southorn, Jim Morris, Karen Graham, Roland Dehne, or our NEWEST Council member – Congregational Life Chair, Claudette Richards!
Wondering what we’re looking for in a new space?
Click here to access the form that outlines what we ask when considering a spot.
What’s Up?
Congregational Life
Would you be interested in a Civil Rights Pilgrimage this fall?
The Academy for Spiritual Formation is organizing a seven-day/six-night Civil Rights Pilgrimage, The Long Road Towards Justice and Beloved Community. It would be great to have a group from Wellington participate!
Click here for more information.
Sometimes you just need a document! Click below if you’re looking for:
- This Sunday’s BULLETIN
- The latest version of the CHURCH DIRECTORY

Copyright © 2023 Wellington UCC, All rights reserved.