Thanks for a moment to check out these events in our shared life & the wider world.
If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, let Jeffery know! You can reach him at: or 773-935-0642 (text or call).
Come celebrate the
in-person/hybrid worship service in the
Nambu Chapel of North Shore Baptist Church!
The church is at 5244 N Lakewood Ave –
click on the address above for directions!
In-person or online, we gather at 10:30am.
Hope to see you there!

Look for this entrance – the third set of doors south of the corner of Lakewood & Berwyn!
It’s the most direct route to the Nambu Chapel.
The Wellington banner will also be posted by this entrance – and maybe a friendly usher, too!

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458.

Last week Meg Evans represented Wellington UCC at the #ILBudgetRally in Springfield, IL. She joined over 250 community leaders from across Illinois under the leadership of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights.
They were advocating for a state budget that puts Illinois families first and includes: immigrant services, a child tax credit for low- and middle-class families, childcare for all, healthcare for all, and economic opportunity for formerly incarcerated Illinoisans!
You, too, can take action to #FundFamiliesNotCEOs!
Click here to speak up today!
Coming Soon!

This month, the Book Club is reading & discussing
The Great Believers by Rebecca Makkai
Join us on Zoom
at 10:00 am on Saturday, May 20th
for a lively conversaion!
Questions? Click here to reach out to Claudette Richards

We are DELIGHTED to share that our beloved
Chris & Craig are being honored at this upcoming
Heartland Alliance & Kovler Center event.
A Wellington table has been reserved,
and we’ve got spots left at it!
Want to attend, or make a contribution
so someone else can attend? Let us know!
The next Last Supper* Club will be at 6pm on Wednesday, May 31.
Treat yourself to a mid-week pick-me-up! Good food & even better company.
Click the button below to RSVP

Our April Helping Hands offering goes to support Basmeh-Zeitooneh, in their Turkey-Syria disaster response. On February 6, 2023, a devastating earthquake struck Turkey and Syria, leaving thousands of people homeless and in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.
To learn more about Basmeh-Zeitooneh click here –
and click here if you’d like to give online!
(Just remember to choose “Helping Hands” from the drop-down menu.)
You can also mail a check to the church office
(P.O. Box 804687, Chicago, IL 60680-4108) – just be sure to note
“April Helping Hands” in the memo line,
As we give generously to support our siblings in Syria & Turkey,
Outreach Chair Debbie Southorn shares this reminder of how authoritarian regimes helped to amplify this crisis! Click here to read the article, “Syria and Turkey’s Earthquake Reminds Us That Disasters Are Inherently Political.”
Music 4 the Soul!
for the May 7th service,
click on the images below to enjoy two videos
curated by our Music Director, Chris Inserra.

Leaning In
a new prayer video

Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around

SAVE THE DATE: Sept. 15-17
For a “Waggle Dance Off” at the church retreat!
This will be our opportunity to compare potential future sites selected by members of the community and decide which one to pursue!
Questions? Check in with any member of the Church Council – Kryss Chupp, Jordan Dobrowski, Shelby Hatch, Brenda Friedman, Colleen Harper, Debbie Southorn, Jim Morris, Karen Graham, Roland Dehne, or our NEWEST Council member – Congregational Life Chair, Claudette Richards!
Wondering what we’re looking for in a new space?
Click here to access the form that outlines what we ask when considering a spot.
What’s Up?
Congregational Life
Would you be interested in a Civil Rights Pilgrimage this fall?
The Academy for Spiritual Formation is organizing a seven-day/six-night Civil Rights Pilgrimage, The Long Road Towards Justice and Beloved Community. It would be great to have a group from Wellington participate!
Click here for more information.
Sometimes you just need a document! Click below if you’re looking for:
- This Sunday’s BULLETIN
- The latest version of the CHURCH DIRECTORY

Copyright © 2023 Wellington UCC, All rights reserved.