Wellington’s Weekly News 6/21/24

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Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life & the wider world.

If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, please let the office know!  Reach out to office@waucc.org or 773-935-0642 (text or call).

Worship is ONLINE this weekend!
Followed by a Congregational Meeting!

Our semi-annual

meeting is ON ZOOM

after worship

THIS Sunday, June 23rd!

We will be voting on revisions to the bylaws, so please be sure to CLICK HERE to access the packet before the meeting!

The people, united, will never be defeated!

Join the uprising – reach out to your elected representatives today and call for a ceasefire!

Click here for easy step-by-step instructions.

image by @Ernestoyerena


Mennonite Action, along with Christian and Muslim Palestinian allies**, invite all to join a rally and march starting at Federal Plaza (W Adams St & S Dearborn St), on this Saturday, June 22 at 1:00pm. We will sing, chant, listen to stirring speeches, and move our bodies to continue speaking up for Gaza. This family-friendly event is an opportunity for Christians and other allies to support local Palestinian groups that have been marching every weekend since October. Together we are planning a moving and memorable action, and with all our hearts we hope you will join us. To RSVP, click here; if you have questions or would like to help with the action, email mennoniteactionchicago@gmail.com.

See you there!

**US Palestinian Community Network, American Muslims for Palestine, Students for Justice in Palestine, and Chicago Coalition for Justice in Palestine

🌈 Sunday, June 30th is PRIDE

As is our tradition, we will be marching in the parade as part of the Chicago Coalition of Welcoming Churches.

Dress in your rainbow finest for worship held adjacent to the parade.  Wear rainbows, too, if you choose to worship via Zoom.

Our parade spots are full.  Please come join the celebratory scene on the sidelines!

June’s Last Supper* Club is being hosted by
Debbie Lee this month – on June 30th!

There’s 1 precious spot left!

The Church Office is managing the guest list to help out our hosts. Please RSVP to save yourself a seat.

(*always on the last day of the month!)


Music 4 the Soul!

Here are 2 video links of inspiration

Reminding us to find ways to connect,
to live with compassionate and loving  hearts in action.

We Rise 
by Batya Levine
 In hope, in prayer, we find ourselves here,
In hope, in prayer, we’re right here
Juneteenth 2020 | A Day of Remembrance
Sweet Honey in the Rock

Sometimes you just need a document!

Click below if you’re looking for:

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