Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life & the wider world.
If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, let Jeffery know!
You can reach him at: or 773-935-0642 (text or call).
THIS Sunday!
Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting
Sunday, June 11th after worship
Speaker of the Day Dave Ullrich & Clerk Colleen Harper will guide us through:
– updates on the annual budget
– plans for congregational leadership in 2024- reflections on our bee-mocracy work to find a new home & extend radical hospitality in the coming year!

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458.

Our current Helping Hands offering supports Treatment Not Trauma, a campaign organized by a coalition of community members, alderpeople, social workers, and youth, who all want to see a city with a funded, robust public care system and a city wide crisis response program that dispatches properly trained mental health professionals and EMT, not armed police officers. Treatment Not Trauma’s goal is to demand that the leaders of our city understand the importance of investing in the infrastructure of a public care system for the safety of the people of Chicago.
To learn more about Treatment Not Trauma click here.
and click here if you’d like to give online!
(Just remember to choose “Helping Hands” from the drop-down menu.)
Wellington in the News

We celebrate with Emad – & his family – on his graduation from the DePaul law school this week!
There are already many threads of connection between Wellington & Emad’s family – his partner Maeve made violin recordings for us to use in our Zoom services during COVID, and we have sent financial support to his parents.
This week, the Tribune ran an article on him – “From Syrian refugee to DePaul Law graduate: How Emad Mahou survived torture during revolution before fleeing to Chicago” – that also lifts up the inspiration role that Craig Mousin has played in his life.
Click here to read the full story!

New responses to the migrant crisis in Chicago!
The Widening the Circle breakfast that Wellington co-sponsored with CRLN at the beginning of May has born some surprising fruit!
Last Friday, a broad spectrum of faith-based groups held a press conference at Lincoln Park Presbyterian Church to announce a new city-wide initiative to help house & accompany our newest neighbors who are currently sleeping on police station floors.
The press conference was picked up by the Chicago Tribune, the Quad-City Times, and the weekly UCC News Digest, along with the Sun-Times.
You can also watch the whole press conference here – or jump ahead to the 1:20 mark to just watch Pastor Ann-Louise wrap it all up!
There are also some exciting developments with the Sanctuary Working Group to discuss at the Congregational Meeting on Sunday. More information will be shared in the meeting packet, coming your way by email later this week!

This month, the Book Club is reading & discussing
The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy
Join us on Zoom
at 10:00 am on Saturday, May 20th
for a lively conversaion!
Questions? Click here to reach out to Claudette Richards.
The next
Last Supper* Club
will be at 6pm on Friday, June 30.
Treat yourself to a mid-week pick-me-up!
Good food &
even better company.
Click the button below to RSVP

Music 4 the Soul
Nick Guetterman’s splendid May piano recital at DePaul University included a sonata by the Russian composer Alexander Scriabin (1872 – 1915).
Piano Sonata No. 7 “White Mass,” Op. 64 (1911)
Nick included these notes in the program:
“Scriabin’s music had an impressive evolution of compositional style throughout his career, so if you compared this single-movement sonata with that of an earlier sonata, the listener would doubt that they were written by the same composer….”White Mass” has a heavenly nature and is charged with images of lightning, bells, and clouds, and filled with overwhelming passion. The opening theme is fanfare-like, and sparks electricity through the air. The contrasting second subject is cloudy and provocative….Leading up to the climax of the piece, these interruptions completely overwhelm the musical texture, and a dance of dizziness and vertigo engulfs the listener.”
Click the image below to hear the piece:
What’s Up?
Congregational Life
Would you be interested in a Civil Rights Pilgrimage this fall?
The Academy for Spiritual Formation is organizing a seven-day/six-night Civil Rights Pilgrimage, The Long Road Towards Justice and Beloved Community. It would be great to have a group from Wellington participate!
Click here for more information.
Sometimes you just need a document!
Click below if you’re looking for:
- This Sunday’s BULLETIN
- The latest version of the CHURCH DIRECTORY

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