Wellington’s Weekly News 6/8/22

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Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life
& the wider world.

If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, let Jeffery know! 
You can reach him at: office@waucc.org or 773-935-0642 (text or call).

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458. You can also program your phone for one tap dialing with the following info: +13126266799,, 91732186458#
Click on the number to call, and it should automatically connect you to the meeting.

From the UCC Justice & Peace Action Network

As white supremacist violence continues to claim innocent lives, so too has the threat of reckless gun policies. Gun violence has impacted every aspect of life in America, from grocery shopping to our places of worship. Paired with rising domestic extremism, the lack of common-sense gun legislation is a dual threat that will continue to claim more lives. Our faithful voice cries out, “how long, oh Lord” will these attacks keep happening? Until we address the threats of racist hate and gun violence, we cannot believe acts like this will not happen again.

Join us in taking an important step by demanding Senators take immediate bipartisan action on background check legislation. In addition to passing legislation on background checks, Congress should be pushed to ban large capacity ammunition magazines and to implement extreme risk protection measures.

As another important step, urge your lawmakers to strengthen national, regional and local capacity to engage in hate crime prevention, hate crime prosecution, and community support services for those impacted by hate violence. We are not powerless in making these changes; we can, and must, take steps to fight white supremacist hate and gun violence.

Inspired by the example set by the United Parish in Brookline, MA, the Wellington Worship Committee has made a commitment to “pay royalties” each time we sing a Negro Spiritual in worship to honor the legacy of enslaved African Americans. Unlike other hymns and worship music, Negro Spirituals were not published until after the names of their creators were long forgotten, if they were ever even known. We will pay royalties by making a quarterly donation based on the number of Spirituals we sing each quarter to The People’s Music School that supports the development of young Black students and a wealth of students of colors as Chicago-area musicians. To read more on Spiritual Reparations, click here.

Coming Soon!

The Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting
takes place
on Sunday, June 19th!

Stay tuned for details…


Let’s show up together to applaud another of Timeline’s wonderful theater productions!  As well as honoring our long time association with Timeline, it should be a lively, fun, and informative event – a welcome alternative to the “dog days” of summer. Due to some difficulty in using facilities at 615 W. Wellington, play performances are being held at Theater Wit at 1229 W. Belmont. There is parking nearby.
The August production is titled Campaign, Inc., the story of Upton Sinclair, internationally known author and socialist, and his run for governor of California in 1934. His platform EPIC, End Poverty in California, stirred up tremendous political uproar and changed the tools of American electoral, political, and social policies for the future.
Tickets ordinarily cost $40 – $54 per performance, but if we can assemble a group of 10 or more, ticket cost would be $34 – $46 (group rate). So, we are advertising the event early…. Currently we need to hear from 2-4 more people to have a group of 10 and reserve tickets at the group rate.

  1. Put August 11th on your calendar and register with the church office or text Debbie Lee (773/490-6506) ASAP if you can attend the play.
  2. If we have a group of 10, you’ll be notified of the actual ticket cost which can be paid for on the church’s Tithely site.
  3. **We must be Early Birds in order to benefit from ticket discounts and to register as a group with Timeline, so please register your attendance as soon as possible!

Recent Happenings!

Thanks to the Dream Team, Dave Ullrich, and Alliance for the Great Lakes, we had a great Beach Clean-Up day on Saturday, June 4th! Members of the Congregational Life Committee coordinated a picnic afterwards for the over 32 volunteers who showed up to participate from wider circles of family, friends, and the community.

We appreciate everyone who showed up to help with this piece of doing God’s work in the world!

Music 4 the Soul

Music lifts our spirits & takes us places that words can’t reach. Click on the image below to enjoy this week’s rendition of Music 4 the Soul – a selection of timely videos, curated by our Music Director, Chris Inserra.

Sometimes you just need a document! Click below if you’re looking for:

Copyright © 2022 Wellington UCC, All rights reserved.


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