Wellington’s Weekly News 6/8/24

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Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life & the wider world.

If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, please let the office know!  Reach out to office@waucc.org or 773-935-0642 (text or call).

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458.

We extend a special welcome
this week to folks from
First Church of the Brethren
who’ll be joining us for Zoom worship!

They were planning to meet on Zoom anyway,
and decided to join our service to get to know us
a little better.

Beloveds, I know you’re tired of seeing this entry in the newsletter every week,
just like our souls are exhausted by the brutal carnage in Gaza. 

Four Israeli hostages who were captured by Hamas on October 7th were rescued this week. One Israeli soldier died from wounds sustained during the rescue, and between 125-225 Palestinians were killed – most of them women & children. 

The math of war does not compute.

Click here to call your member of Congress today

Mark your calendar – our semi-annual meeting is ON ZOOM

after worship on Sunday, June 23rd!

🌈 Sunday, June 30th is PRIDE

As is our tradition, we will be marching in the parade as part of the Chicago Coalition of Welcoming Churches.

Due to new regulations this year, we can only have FOUR people representing the church! And you have to be willing to help carry the sign, as Shelby is demonstrating in this picture.

Want to be part of the fun?!? Let Pastor Ann-Louise know ASAP!

Deb Lee is our Last Supper* Club host this month, and looks forward to welcoming folks to her home in Andersonville at 6pm on Sunday, June 30th!

Spots are limited, so contact the Church Office today to RSVP & save yourself a seat!

Music 4 the Soul!

curated by our Music Directory, Chris Inserra

May the spirit of these songs carry you through the week.

Sweet, Sweet Spirit
Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me ‘Round

Sometimes you just need a document!

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