Wellington’s Weekly News 8/24/24

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Thanks for opening this email! Take a moment to check out these events in our shared life & the wider world.

If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, please let the office know! Reach out to office@waucc.org or 773-935-0642 (text or call).

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Labor Day Sunday comes early this year…

on Sunday, September 1st!

We look forward to seeing you in Karen Graham’s garden that day for our annual 
Labor Day Sunday Service!

Her address is 4630 N. Wolcott, Chicago (60640). Close to the Damen “L” stop & street parking stickers will also be available when you arrive!

Chicago was a whirlwind of activity last week! 

The AFSC Interfaith Vigil to Remember Gaza
was an especially sacred moment to gather, pray, mourn, and reflect.  

Enjoy this photo from the event, which Melissa Stoner (from the AFSC office in Philadelphia) took while Pastor Ann-Louise was speaking.

We are in this fight together,
as we are one drum, one circle, one prayer.

The Apache Stronghold has begun a long awaited spiritual journey across the U.S. to the Supreme Court.  They are connecting with many tribes and churches along the way to gather prayers and support.  On September 11th the Stronghold will deliver a petition to the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. to hear the historic case to protect sacred Chi’chil Bildagoteel (Oak Flat)

It is a very crucial time right now,
so we ask if you cannot join along the journey please pray

for protection and safety of the travelers, for open hearts and solidarity of those hearing from Apache Stronghold along the way, for those organizing to host them, and of course for the judges, lawyers and all involved in the court case.

Donna Morris is hosting this month – join her for dinner in Oak Park on Saturday, August 31st!

Food! Fire! Fun! Friends!

The Annual Church Retreat at Tower Hill
starts Friday evening, Sept. 20th and concludes with
worship & lunch on Sunday, Sept. 22nd.

Come for the whole weekend ($100) or just Saturday ($50).

Nature! Music! Arts & Crafts!

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