Wellington’s Weekly News 9/7/24

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Thanks for taking a moment to check out these events in our shared life & the wider world.

If you’d like something included in an upcoming newsletter, please let the office know!  Reach out to office@waucc.org or 773-935-0642 (text or call).

If you’d rather join by phone, just dial 312-626-6799 and enter the Meeting ID: 917 3218 6458.

She’s here!!! 

Debbie and Olivia welcomed Mia Page Abrecht to this world a little earlier than expected, on August 22nd. Everyone is doing great – although the new parents are quite exhausted.

Please CLICK HERE to join their Meal Train
You can pick a date to drop off a meal (remember, they now live in Hyde Park!), or you can donate so they can order in.

Debbie’s a PK (pastor’s kid), so she knows the power of church to feed & sustain during life’s joys (and sorrows). Let’s step up as their church home to nourish them at this vital time. ❤️

59 days until the Presidential Election – don’t delay!

Join Wellington’s 2024 Citizen Education Drive, because voting is faith in action.

Meg Evans & Margaret England are coordinating Wellington’s postcard drive to help turn out the vote.

Vote Forward is sending letters to younger individuals, encouraging them to vote. You can print off letters from home & mail them – click here for more info.

If you’re more of a Chatty Cathy than a letter writer – sign up to phonebank! Click here to call voters in Michigan & Wisconsin.

We’d love to organize some Wellington days to go door-to-door in neighboring states. Would you be willing to coordinate these efforts? If so, let Dick Simpson know!Additionally, Wellington is contributing $5,000 to Continuing the Conversation to send 400 canvassers to the critical battleground state of Pennsylvania to contact 10,000 voters in person between Labor Day and Election Day.  (This is a 503c3 organization not a Political Action Committee.)

And if you happen to have some money burning hole in your pocket…Dick has personal recommendations about the 12 most important campaigns to support! CLICK HERE to read them!

We are in this fight together,
as we are one drum, one circle, one prayer.

The Apache Stronghold has begun a long awaited spiritual journey across the U.S. to the Supreme Court.  They are connecting with many tribes and churches along the way to gather prayers and support.  On September 11th the Stronghold will deliver a petition to the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. to hear the historic case to protect sacred Chi’chil Bildagoteel (Oak Flat)

It is a very crucial time right now,
so we ask if you cannot join along the journey please pray

for protection and safety of the travelers, for open hearts and solidarity of those hearing from Apache Stronghold along the way, for those organizing to host them, and of course for the judges, lawyers and all involved in the court case. 

The Annual Church Retreat at Tower Hill
starts Friday evening, Sept. 20th and concludes with
worship & lunch on Sunday, Sept. 22nd.

Come for the whole weekend ($100) or just Saturday ($50).

CLICK HERE to make your payment online via Tithe.ly!

Kryss Chupp is our host for September – and she’s got FIVE seats available at her table! Want one of them?
RSVP to the Church Office with a call or a text (773-935-0642), or click on the button below to save yourself a seat.

Music 4 the Soul

In these troubling days of political animosity,
with local and global conflicts and tensions,
it is good to be reminded to “lead with love”. 
Enjoy our fall Introit, by Melanie DeMore, as she leads this song with youth in rich harmonies.

One Foot/Lead with Love
by Melanie DeMore

Sometimes you just need a document

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